Tuesday, October 11, 2011

59th Birthday

Okay, it happened!  I can't believe I am 59.  It sounds so old and 60, well that will just be unreal.  Some days I feel tired and like I should be 100, but most of the time I don't feel old.  I am glad that Ben and I are still healthy.  It feels good to be able to run.  This Saturday we will be running a half-marathon - slowly - but we are doing it.

My birthday always seems like a big celebration and, of course, there was a lot of treats.  Saturday Connie and Dave came down and visited.  Also, Ben and I went shopping with my birthday money.  I got a new outfit, pearl earrings and a new wallet.  Sunday most of Ben's kids came over which was nice.  Jennie and Katie and families came over Sunday night for dinner which also was very nice.  Larsens gave me a great pedicure set and Rallisons gave me a brown earring and necklace set.  All in all, I feel spoiled.  Brian called tonight which topped it all off.  All I really like on holidays is to know that the kids remember.  Presents are not necessary, but admittedly fun!

I have to confuse how much junk food was consumed on my birthday weekend.  I should have enough stored sugar to last for several lifetimes.  In fact, I am somewhat worried about the effect on my body for running this weekend.  Okay, here is the confession (and remember this is just Saturday and Sunday) 4 twist donuts, 2 big brownies, several small butterfinger candy bars.  I don't think I ate my own cake and ice cream.  Just the thought of junk food makes me want to be sick, but, unfortunately, yesterday I had to eat the rest of the brownies and the 2 peanut butter cups.  Then today my friend brings chocolate chip cookies and that would just be rude not to eat one.    Tonight, I added some peanut m & m's to the mist.  Back to healthy food.  I think I am going to die!!!!!  I can see my tombstone now - With Sugar she lived, With too much Sugar she died!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 1st

It is already October.  I was going to do a great job of journaling this year and I didn't do so good, but I do want to go back and include a few things.  This is General Conference weekend.  We started out today by getting Tripp at about 6:30 a.m.  We went and watched Colin and Amelia play awesome soccer games!  We managed to get home just in time for the opening song of the 1st session.   There were definitely a lot of warnings about the temptations of satan, that we need to read scriptures and stand up for what we believe. 
Ben is at the Priesthood Session with Michael and Nicolaas.  Chad went to Richfield with his family to visit friends.  Katie and I went to the Relief Society Session last Saturday (Jennie had to work).  We had lots of fun.  Katie helped me pick out some Christmas presents for the little girls.  We went shopping.  A new Sizzler just opened at The District and Katie wanted to go there (not a normal choice for her).  I am pretty sure we tried one of everything.  After the meeting we went to see Jennie and took her Cafe Rio.  Of course, we had to eat some chips and queso.  Katie and I especially like President Uchtdorf's talk at the conference.
i just ran 3.3 miles and then walked a mile.  On October 15th, Ben and I are running the SoJo Half Marathon.  Michelle is going to run it too.  We did a 10 mile run on Wednesday which took everything I had.  I do better at the short runs--not that I have ever been fast.  We just figure that someone has to be last!

Friday, September 30, 2011

September 30, 2011

Some days are just crazy!  It is amazing how much you can fit in a day, but who wants to do that all the time!
Mom is having trouble wanting to wear any of her clothes.  She thinks all of her pants are too big.  After work, I picked up two different outfit for her.  I went to Legacy and let her try them on.  She only liked one pair of pants.   I will have return the one outfit and buy more of the pants she likes.   Alzheimers make it difficult for her and for us.
When I finally got home from work, we ate dinner.  Fortunately (atleast I think so and Ben is always good about it), we  had leftover zuccihini casserole from Sunday to eat along with some yummy fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden.
After dinner, we worked on the lawn.  I only moved and helped pull out some of the garden.  I am lucky that Ben edged, trimmed, pulled weeds, and blew off all the mess from the walks, etc.
Ok, that isn't enough for one day....
My allergies have been so bad that any time outside and especially after the yard requres a bath or shower.  Now, that leads me to see that the bathroom must be cleaned.  Cleaning the bathroom leads to sorting the laundry and getting it started in the washer.
Oh yeah, wanted to make some zuccihini bread.  Got that made.  Wanted to do some journaling.  Got that done.
Watching BYU and Utah State play.  Utah State is winning 24 -20 with 1 minute left.
I think I will be done for today.  Good night.

New Job - August 2011 (After the New Job of 2009)

In November 2008, the East side of Jordan School District vote to become a separate school district.  Ben was working at Mt. Jordan Middle School which became part of the new school district.  When the district started hiring for leadership positions, Ben was hired as the Director of Planning and Enrollment. 

I thought it might be fun to change jobs and work for the new district also.  At the time, I was working as a Coordinator in the District Special Education Office for Granite School District.  I had been doing it for 6-7 years and was ready for a change. 

I interviewed with what is now called Canyons District and was hired as a Teacher Specialist for the district in Special Education.  The job was pretty much the same as what I had done in Granite District.
Driving to the office was closer.  I only had to drive to 90th South and 5th West, instead of 21st South and State Street.  The other bonus was that my little cubicle and Ben's office were just a few feet apart.

It was fun to see him at work.  I was always so busy that we rarely got to go to lunch together.  The funny part is that we could never ride together, because I was always out and about at various schools.  I like the job, but they never hired enough help.  I felt like I was working 24/7 and not getting anywhere.  By January of 2010, all I could think about was retiring, because I felt too tired to keep up the pace.

In July, I received an answer to my prayers.  Randomly, I notice that a teacher position was open at Mt. Jordan Middle for a cluster teacher.  The special class was for student with high functioning autism and asbergers.  Within an hour, I submitted a transfer, did a phone interview, and had the new job.

It has been a nice change of pace to not have so many diverse responsibilities as I had at the district office.  I did give up about $500 per month, but I get a month more of summer and a few more days during the school year.  I like being with the students.  It isn't a piece of cake, but I enjoy teaching so the days go by fast.  Their are two big negatives - 1.  I have to be at work by 7:00 a.m. every day.  I don't like getting up at 5:15 a.m. every day.  I do like a little later schedule.  However, I have made it every morning for five weeks.  2.  The school was built in  1954 (two years after I was born).  The school is very hot when it is hot outside.  There are very few electrical outlets so I have cords running everywhere!

Currently, I have nine students in my class and two support aides.  I can have up to 15 so I will probably get more students transfered in soon.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lems kids minus Ally & Lexy at Gymnastics - February 18, 2011

New Shoes for Grandma Clark - February 19, 2011

We mailed ordered some new shoes for grandma.  They are off white mary jane style shoes that have a velcro strap.  They stay on and are easy for her to take on and off.  She was very proud to show off her new shoes!

Lunch with Jessika - February 19, 2011

We took Jessika to lunch for her 14th birthday.  She is getting so skinny that we teased her about only needing a toothpick and water.  She chose to go to Chili's because she likes the mushroom swiss burger and, of course, the chips and salsa.  Grandpa had a mushroom swiss burger too.  We topped everything off with molten chocolate cake.  Boy were we all full!

We are all looking forwarding to going to Disneyland soon.  We bought Jessika some new flip flops.  It was a fun outing!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Joey Lems Birthday Outing - January 18, 2011

     We took Joey to Pizza Factory for dinner.  He ate lots of salad and hardly had room for the pizza and bread sticks, but managed to eat some.   Then the server brought a big FREE dessert - a huge cookie with ice cream and topping.  Grandpa and Joey managed to eat the whole thing!
     After dinner we went bowling.  When Joey saw the bowling alley he said, "It is just like on the Wii!".  He had fun bowling his first "real" game ever and did a great job.
     It is fun to take time to spend time with each of the grand kids on their birthdays.  They are all so unique and special!  Joey is a smart boy and is doing great in school.  He is also learning so much about the gospel.  He is excited to be baptized next year and to be a cub scout.

Joey Lems - January 22, 2011

    Joey started playing Junior Jazz this year.  He is an awesome player!  The team has really learned the game fast.  It has been fun to see Joey's fan club at every game (aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas, and, of course, his family. 

Dance Review - January 29, 2011

     Yesterday Hailey, Brittany, Amelia and Tessa all performed at Copper Hills High School.
Brittany is in a music theatre group.  They sang and danced to "Its a Hard Knock Life".  This was particularly fun to watch because Brittany and I have watched the movie Annie together many times when she was little.  She loved to dance to the songs.  One time we went to the Hale Center Theatre and say Annie.  When the girls came in on their beds and started singing she said, "They are real people!".  She did a wonderful job of singing and dancing!
     Hailey danced last year and is on a team this year.  She got to ride a scooter for part of her dance.  It was really different to see her with her hairpiece and makeup!  She did a great job on her dance.  She has been working hard to do a cartwheel and did one in the dance.  Yeah for Hailey!
     Tessa looked so cute in her dance costume!  She went up on the stage before it started and went through the whole dance.  She didn't seem to have any fear of performing!  She was a great little dancer!
     Poor Amelia had to wait until 4th from the end before she got to go perform.  She was so excited for her turn.  She has always liked to dance and looked so cute all fixed up in her make up and costume.  Her friend Kylie is in her dance class which makes it extra fun for her.  She did a great job too!

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Nutcracker - December 18, 2010

It has been a long-life grandma dream for me to take some grandchildren to the Nutcracker.  My friend, Susie's, mother took each one of her grandkids when they turned five and I thought that was a really neat thing to do.  This year, Ben agreed to splurging on some good tickets for the ballet.  Even Colin seemed excited to go and knew the story.  I worried a little that a boy might not be as excited.  The girls are all singing or dancing so I knew they would be into it.  It was fun to see their reactions.  We got some great pictures.  The kids all got an ornament for a souvenier and each family got a book of The Nutcracker.  After the ballet, we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and ate lots of yummy rolls and food.  It was a great day and a great memory!

How to Start

I have been wanting to start some kind of a Blog.  I am thinking that it will be and easy way to post pictures and write a little about what is going on in my life.  If this continues all through 2011, everyone will know that I really did it!